TrueCity Prayer Room 2025

A creative and interactive space to pray for our city


February 22 - March 8

Open Daily 8 am - 10 pm

1907 King Street East, Hamilton

Prayer is integral to the work of God in Hamilton and in TrueCity. Once again, GOHOP is partnering with TrueCity to host two weeks of prayer following the 2025 Conference. This beautiful prayer space is curated with interactive prayer stations to help guide and inspire your prayers. You won’t want to miss it! 

Feel free to join us for our regular prayers times during the TrueCity Prayer Room:

In addition to our GOHOP’s regular prayer room, several interactive and creative prayer stations will be set up in the sanctuary to help you pray for a variety of issues our city is facing at this time.

These prayer stations are being created by local charities to help us pray for people and challenges in Hamilton today. These include:

The prayer room will be open to the public from 6pm on Feb 22 to 2pm on Mar 8. On the days between these dates, the prayer room is open 8am to 10pm.