GOHOP Growth Fund

This includes new monthly donations and recent one-time donations divided by 12.

We are excited to be in a season of transition and growth. God is providing many opportunities to partner with other prayer communities and help other Jesus followers grow in their prayer life!

New opportunities bring new costs. To meet these needs, our goal is to increase our monthly donations by $2,000 in the months to come. We are calling this our GOHOP Growth Fund. This additional funding will support GOHOP in several ways.

We will use the funding to pay increased rent in our new location, strengthen our administration systems, respond to requests to help people grow in their prayer life, and make up for a decrease in donations from recent years.

Please prayerfully consider making a monthly donation. Different ways to give are described below.

If you have any questions, please contact me at director@gohop.ca.

Grace and peace.




Thank you for your interest in supporting GOHOP!  We can not do this work without generous financial support from churches, friends, businesses and families.  

Each staff is responsible to raise their own support.  This is not easy and often requires sacrifice.   Would you consider partnering in this Kingdom work through a monthly donation either to one of our staff members or to our general operations? 

If you wish to give by e-transfer you can email donations to donate@gohop.ca