What We Do

We pray. Prayer is at the heart of what we do. Our prayer room is open from 8 am to 8 pm on on Tuesdays and Wednesdays to welcome visitors who want to pray. Here, staff and volunteers are scheduled to pray and host guests from the community.  The Prayer Room is available to book for private meetings, as well as open for public prayer meetings.

We partner. In conjunction with other organizations and ministries, GOHOP organizes and runs annual prayer events. Each February, we partner with TrueCity to create an interactive prayer room and facilitate two weeks of extended prayer.  In July we convert a rented truck into an outdoor prayer room and park it beside The Living Rock, a ministry for at-risk youth. From the Prayer Truck, we offer cold water and prayer to those walking the streets. 

We teach. GOHOP equips leaders and lay people at home and abroad in prayer and discipleship. Staff members are often asked to speak, preach, facilitate workshops or lead retreats for churches, small groups and conferences. Some of our staff members travel internationally to teach, preach and mentor. 

We disciple. In the past we have run several different programs to help individuals and churches strengthen their walk with God and deepen their prayer life.

  • Form & Fire is a 3-month immersive internship to learn about the disciplined (Form) AND Spirit-empowered (Fire) life.

  • Our 9-month internship, Studies in New Monasticism, offers an in-depth learning cohort for anyone interested in developing prayer, mission and justice into their own life context. 

  • Barnabas is a both a listening-prayer group and an equipping ministry that helps individuals and groups to hear and discern the voice of God.  

  • Moving Mountains is a prayer and discipleship group that has activated many young leaders in the 10 years it has been running.

As an "Urban Monastery"  we live out rhythms of life that have been embodied and taught within historic monastic communities.  So, we practice rhythms of prayer, worship, study, silence and solitude, fasting, celebration, pilgrimage and receiving spiritual direction. 

We support. GOHOP is not a church but seeks to be a support, resource and catalyst for the Church.  Each of our staff attends a local church fellowship in the Hamilton area. We desire to see every local church community thrive and we support the God-given grace that is present in every community that confesses Christ.