The Form & Fire internship has been a huge blessing to me over this season, giving me an opportunity to be surrounded by an intentional community of Christ-followers who are all fixed on pursuing God more deeply. The spiritual “forms” have provided new tools for me to use in structuring and building my relationship with the Lord, while learning about the “fire” has encouraged me to open myself up to the power and presence of the Holy Spirit in my daily life. I would recommend this internship to anyone looking to take the next step on their spiritual journey! Emily (Fall 2023 Cohort)

Fiery Devotion & a Disciplined Life

Mark Sayers, a student of revival movements, observed a unique feature of the renewal started by John Wesley.  All renewal movements contained Spirit-empowered renewal (Fire). The Wesleyan renewal movement, however, burned brighter and longer than many others for the reason that it included an additional ingredient: spiritual discipline (Form).   The vitality of the movement was sustained by its ability disciple people into a structured, disciplined life of spiritual fervor. 

As a contributor to a global prayer movement GOHOP has tried to steward these two elements for over 20 years.  We want to see the FIRE of God in our day. We want to see people healed, set free, flourishing in their spiritual gifts and experiencing the love and power of God.  We also value the time-tested FORMS delivered by the monastic tradition.  Spiritual fervor cannot survive without discipline and habit, without rhythms of prayer, fasting, silence & solitude, and worship.  

Form & Fire is a 3-month GOHOP internship which integrates the Contemplative (Form) and Charismatic (Fire) Christian traditions.


  • We will learn about and practice Spiritual Disciplines (Prayer, Fasting, Silence & Solitude, Worship etc.), looking to Jesus as our model and teacher.


  • We also want do DO the things Jesus did. We want live a Spirit-empowered life. We will learn about the gifts of the Spirit, hearing God’s voice, and learn to pratcice the ministry of healing.

We invite you to come on this journey with us to grow in your relationship with God— Father , Son and Holy Spirit. Become part of a Spirit-empowered and disciplined community serving and loving God and neighbour in Hamilton, Ontario.

Being a part of the Form and Fire Internship has been an enriching experience. Learning new practices, reclaiming some lost ones, and becoming more intentional in my own prayer life is most valuable. Andy and Josiah bring a wealth of experience and encourage us on our faith journey and expression. The group has been mutually supportive and made the experience one that I will long remember and cherish.

Linda (Fall 2023)

The internship program has been instrumental at this time in my life. It is helping me draw closer to God and allowing me to experience His presence, love and power in redemptive and healing ways. The teaching and discussions have been excellent, wise and thoughtful. The learning is both interactive and experiential in a small group which has provided accountability, community and a deep sense of hope.

- Becky (Fall 2023)

INternship Details

Training Sessions & Discussion - (6 total)

  • In person discussion and training facilitated by GOHOP staff.

Prayer Room Hours - 2 hours of personal/ corporate prayer per week -

  • Pray in the GOHOP Prayer Room (flexible hours)

Corporate Worship Nights - 1 per month ( 3 total)

  • Participate in corporate prayer & worship.

Guided Retreat Days - 1 per month (3 total)

  • Retreat 1: Following the Way of Jesus in Power and Discipline

  • Retreat 2: Hearing God’s Voice

  • Retreat 3: Spiritual Gifts

Spiritual Companionship - 1 meeting per month (3 total)

  • Each participant is required to meet with a trusted spiritual companions (pastor, spiritual director, or mature Christian friend) once a month to pray with and process their learning.

Reading - Even the Sparrow by Jill Weber

This course is designed so anyone—students, working professionals, stay-at-home parents—can participate who has a hunger to Grow! The work load is designed to fit around a moderately busy schedule.

Course Cap:

To ensure a high quality of community, accountability and sharing during our Retreats and Discussion evenings, we are capping this internship at 10 participants.

Cost: $410

  • Financial support is available. Please email for more info.