"The experience of Listening Prayer was a powerful one for me. I had never been part of a prayer experience like this. When the members gave me the verse and words that had come to them, and offered their prayers for me, it was as if they had known what I needed in that moment. The verses and prayers touched me, and reminded me that God was with me. I was ministered to that day in a powerful way and felt God’s care for me through their prayers.” - Anonymous


Prayer for Pastors and Leaders

For many years - for over 20 years, in fact - GOHOP has been praying for pastors and leaders. Once each week (Fridays, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm) a group of staff and volunteers gathers to pray. The time is spent in worship and prayer with the final hour devoted to prayer for individuals or, sometimes, a small group. This final hour is a time of prayer ministry and is offered as a gift with the person or group present, in person or on Zoom.

Do you need prayer?

If you are a pastor or leader and would be interested in receiving prayer from our team on a Friday morning, from 11 am - 12 pm, please fill out the contact form provided below. A member of the prayer team will get back to you within a couple of days (Expect a later reply if you email on the weekend).

What should I expect?

We start with some silence and a time of listening prayer. We ask the Lord to bring to mind a word of encouragement - prayers, scriptures, feelings, thoughts, or images. These promptings are then shared in an open posture of humility. We leave it to you to discern if they resonate as something from God. If a prayer resonates, you are welcome to receive it; if what is shared doesn't resonate, you are more than welcome to say "I'm not really sure what you are talking about, perhaps your coffee was too strong this morning." We try to practice a really safe and welcoming form of listening prayer. After a time of listening prayer we offer to pray more intentionally into any specific prayer requests you might have. We wrap up by Noon.

For in-person prayer times, we meet at the GOHOP Prayer Room at 1907 King St E.

"GOHOP prayer times for pastors have been deeply encouraging and meaningful moments for me. As a pastor you are constantly giving and ministering to others, so it’s wonderful to just sit and hear through others, God’s thoughts towards you. You experience the Spirit’s work in a very personal and tangible way. It is an oasis and bread for your journey." - Anonymous